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A Possible Scalebound Revival Might be in Discussions

A Possible Scalebound Revival Might be in Discussions

A Possible Scalebound Revival Might be in Discussions

 around 7 years ago, Microsoft announced developing an action role-playing game called “Scalebound”, in cooperation with the PlatinumGames, who is know for games like Bayonetta and Nier Automata, unfortunately in 2017, team Platinum announced the cancellation of the project due to production problems and the difficulty of using Unreal Engine.

But recently, in an interview with Phil Spencer, president of Xbox,When asked about the possibility of returning the project again, his response was “No comment.” Also Yesterday, in an interview with Takao Yamane, Vice President of the Platinum team, the answer to the same question was “no comment.” Though it is not confirmed that it will be returned, but at the same time there is no confirmation of its permanent cancellation


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