Past Cure is a dark psychological thriller that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. An intense, cinematic, story-driven experience that challenges the player to use mind-bending mental abilities to survive.
Recommended Age Rate: +18
Step into the mind-bending psychological thriller that is Past Cure. Follow Ian, a tormented man with extraordinary mental abilities, as he unravels the mysteries of his past. Battling between reality and nightmares, Ian faces dangerous foes in this dark and gripping tale of revenge and conspiracy.
Past Cure blends stealth, intense combat, and mind-bending powers to create a unique gaming experience. Navigate between reality and Ian’s haunting dreams as you discover the truth. With a cinematic story, challenging puzzles, and immersive visuals, this game will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Can Ian reclaim his humanity while facing enemies that blur the lines of reality? Embark on this thrilling journey into the dark and twisted corners of the mind.
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Nasr street, in front of SAIB Bank
Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Point 90
Point 90 Mall, in 3nd Floor, in front of cinemas, 5th Settlement
Cairo, Egypt
Amreciana Plaza
Amricana Plaza, in front of IMax Cinemas, El Sheikh Zayed, 6 October
Giza, Egypt
7 Wadi El Nil st, intersection with Gameet el Dewal, infront of Emirates NBD Bank and beside Samsung
6th Of October
Green park mall, infront of 6th october sports club, at 26th of July Corridor
Alexandria City Centre
Cairo Alex Desert Rd, Qetaa at Tarik as Sahrawi, Amreya 1, Alexandria Governorate 5258730
City Stars
Citystars in front of Gate 5, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate
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